Does Lysol (Antiseptic Spray) Kill Roaches?

Spraying antiseptic roach infested zone

People looking for an effective disinfectant spray to eliminate pests often don’t know whether Lysol kills roaches or not. Fortunately, Lysol does kill cockroaches and multiple other bugs by clogging their respiratory systems.

Roaches don’t breathe from the lungs or mouth. Instead, they have respiratory openings or spiracles on their body surface for respiration. When Lysol blocks these openings, the bugs choke to death.

Lysol contains alcohol and several antiseptic components, which give it a pretty low surface tension. Because of this, the disinfectant spray easily penetrates and absorbs into the roaches’ bodies.

But how does Lysol kill roaches?

This guide will help you understand the working mechanism of Lysol in eliminating roaches and their eggs. We will also discuss how quickly it does that and what type of Lysol you should go for. So let’s get right into it!

How Does Lysol Kill Roaches?

Lysol interrupts the normal respiratory system of the cockroaches and clogs their breathing pores. The spray contains powerful antiseptic elements that enable it to block these pores.

The two key components in Lysol that kill roaches are:

  • Alcohol. It dries out the external layer or exoskeletons of the cockroaches, making it easier for other antiseptic ingredients to show their magic.
  • Benzalkonium Chloride. It is an adhesive-like substance that directly blocks the roaches’ spiracles or sticks their legs and wings to the body to suffocate them to death.

While many insecticides target the nervous systems of roaches, Lysol focuses on their respiratory system.

Yes, you can instantly kill roaches with chemical insecticides, but they can entice allergies in humans and pets. Not to forget their adverse impacts on the environment and aquatic life. Thus, Lysol is a relatively safer yet effective alternative.

Remember that Lysol only works when you spray it directly on the roach.

Does Lysol Kill Roaches Instantly?

Compared to humans, roaches and some bugs can withstand a lack of oxygen for up to 45 minutes. So you’d need to wait at least an hour after spraying Lysol on a cockroach to see the result.

After spraying Lysol, you may think the roach has died as the disinfectant instantly incapacitates the bug. But the reality would be pretty disappointing.

Cockroaches love to play dead! They lie in one place, manipulating you into believing that you’ve successfully killed them. So when you leave, they wake up and infect your home again.

If you want to kill the roach instantly, why not squash it when they’re incapacitated? Sounds easy, right? Believe us, doing so will make your job quite simple.

What Types of Lysol Kill Cockroaches?

If you don’t know much about Lysol, it’s a registered brand that manufactures disinfectant products. So, Lysol doesn’t refer to a roach-killing spray. Instead, it’s the name of the company that makes it.

When searching the market, you’re likely to come across the following Lysol products:

  • Laundry sanitizers
  • Wipes
  • Bleaches
  • Disinfectant concentrates
  • Power toilet bowl cleaners
  • Multi-purpose cleaners
  • Antiseptic sprays

Do all Lysol products kill roaches? Obviously, no. Only the Lysol antiseptic spray works in eliminating cockroaches, bugs, and insects. So make sure to pick the right product when shopping for disinfectants.

Does Lysol Destroy Roaches’ Eggs?

Lysol can effectively destroy roaches’ eggs within a few applications.

Since the spray has a high concentration of alcohol, it kills eggs the same way as cockroaches. It dissolves and dries the outer layer of the eggs, destroying them even before they hatch.

Roaches never exist solely. Whenever they find a safe place, they try to reproduce quickly and lay as many eggs as possible.

Before you even know it, their population would be big enough to take over your entire home. This is why eliminating roaches’ eggs is vital to stop these annoying creatures from occupying your house entirely. Luckily, Lysol helps.

Can Lysol Kill Small Roaches and Bed Bugs?

Lysol will kill small roaches and bed bugs when you apply the spray directly to them. Regardless of the size and species of the insect or bug, Lysol can efficiently kill them if they have open respiratory openings.

Like roaches, Lysol sticks to the bed bugs’ spiracles and suffocates them to death.

However, the bug’s size may vary the spray’s killing time. That’s because smaller bugs or roaches have relatively less oxygen demand than the bigger ones. So, a large-sized bug will die sooner than a small one.

Is Lysol Better Than Insecticides?

Insecticides are indeed powerful roach-terminating sprays. They give quick results and are readily available in the market, but so does Lysol. So is Lysol better than insecticides? The answer is no.

That’s because you have to spray Lysol directly on the bugs, roaches, and insects to eliminate them. Cockroaches are speedy creatures that escape within seconds when you try to kill them.

On the other hand, insecticides can even kill roaches from a distance, even if you missed spraying them directly on the cockroach. This is because they contain DEFENSA and D-Allethrin, two potent neurotoxins that interfere with the bug’s nervous system and kill them.

However, insecticides can cause several negative impacts on the atmosphere and marine life.

Therefore, Lysol is not better than insecticides in killing roaches, but it is an effective alternative that does the job perfectly.

Is It Painful to Kill Roaches With Lysol?

Many people wonder if killing a roach with Lysol can be painful to the bug. It is not. Insects, bugs, or cockroaches don’t have pain receptors or emotions to feel pain.

However, they do experience irritation to be aware of any upcoming danger.

Some roaches flap wings and legs after they are sprayed. That’s not because of pain but uncontrolled spasms caused by the chemicals.


How Long Does Lysol Take to Kill Roaches?

Lysol takes a few hours to kill roaches, depending on how long they can live without oxygen. Unlike humans, these pests have a unique mechanism of surviving without oxygen for up to 45 minutes.

Does Spraying Lysol on Bugs Kill Them?

Yes, spraying Lysol can kill bugs and roaches. This disinfectant spray consists of alcohol, Benzalkonium Chloride, and multiple antiseptic components. Alcohol dries out the outer shell of the bugs, while Benzalkonium Chloride clogs their spiracles or respiratory openings. This suffocates bugs to death.

Does Lysol Spray Kill Cockroach Eggs?

Lysol spray kills cockroach eggs. That’s because of its high alcohol concentration, which dissolves the eggs’ outer layer and destroys their components even before they hatch.

Can I Use Hairspray to Kill Roaches?

You can use your hair spray to get rid of roaches if you can’t find Lysol anywhere on the market. It contains an active ingredient, methylcellulose, that works like Benzalkonium Chloride and sticks to the roaches’ spiracles.


Cockroaches are annoying creatures that can cause several health conditions. So as soon as you spot one or two roaches roaming around, immediately rush to your nearest store and buy a Lysol disinfectant spray.

But how does Lysol kill roaches? Here is a summary:

  • It contains alcohol that dissolves the outer layer of eggs and cockroaches and Benzalkonium Chloride that sticks to the spiracles of the cockroaches to choke them to death.
  • Make sure to get a Lysol disinfectant spray as the other products don’t eliminate roaches.
  • After spraying Lysol, wait for at least an hour for the roaches to die.
  • Lysol can kill every bug and insect with an open respiratory system.
  • Alcohol in Lysol helps the spray destroy the content of the roaches’ eggs by dissolving their external layer.
  • Lysol isn’t better than insecticides, but it is relatively safer.