How To Get Roaches Out of a Microwave

Cockroach approaching an open microwaveRoaches are adept at infesting spaces that offer food and shelter. So, your microwave can be an ideal roach hideout. Unfortunately, the radiation and heat from your kitchen appliance can hardly affect them.

Removing roaches from your microwave is a tough challenge since the appliance has many hard-to-reach spots. Also, you can’t use water-based insecticides in these pests as they may damage the oven.

However, roach dust and bait traps can be a great solution to this problem. Similarly, a few handy tricks, such as cleaning your microwave regularly, may help you win the battle against roaches. So let’s see how you can exterminate cockroaches from your microwave.

Do Roaches Live Inside Your Microwave?

Cockroaches certainly live in microwaves. These bugs do not hesitate to infest several areas in your home with:

  • Moisture
  • Darkness
  • Warmth
  • Easy access to food

Unfortunately, your microwave offers all living conditions ideal for roaches. That’s why cockroaches do not take long to lay eggs and increase their colony.

Since most microwaves are placed inside kitchens, hiding in these appliances helps roaches reach food sources easily.

In addition, the food debris, oil, and grease in unclean microwaves provide roaches with sustenance. They may feed on these supplies to survive whenever escaping their hiding spot is difficult.

How Long Can Roaches Survive in Microwaves?

Cockroaches can survive in your microwave for as long as the appliance is habitable. Now, you may ask why don’t they die from the heat and radiation in your oven. That’s because roaches sneak out to the colder areas in your microwave when the appliance is plugged-in.

A microwave has four to five areas that are cooler than others.

For instance, when a microwave magnetron emits radiation from one side, the metal lines in the oven’s interior section reflect them to the center. As a result, the area behind the lines stays cold.

Moreover, cockroach bodies have a few water molecules. So, they may come out of your microwave unaffected by the heat. Similarly, the bugs do not have many dividing cells, which helps them withstand microwave radiation.

Can Roaches Damage Your Oven?

Worryingly enough, cockroaches can damage your microwave in several ways.

Corrode the Oven’s Wiring

Cockroaches have glands in their mouths and bodies that produce secretions. These fluids can cause corrosion upon contact with your microwave’s electrical parts and wiring. Over time, it leads to severe damage to your appliance, and you may need to get it repaired.

Affect Microwave Functioning

Your microwave has many areas where cockroaches can store eggs. These eggshells, feces, and dead roach corpses can build up over time and interfere with your oven’s systems. As a result, the appliance may not function properly.

Cause Fire

Cockroaches can feed on almost anything, including your microwave wires. This puts your oven at risk of electrical fires due to damaged wires.

Therefore, when you notice cockroaches lurking in your oven, you should check the appliance thoroughly. Also, see damage in your microwave to avoid hazards.

How to Remove Roaches in Your Microwave?

You can eliminate roaches by placing traps and lures around your microwave. For this, you need to plan strategically and use suitable roach-killing methods. These include:

Deep Cleansing

Cleaning your microwave is the first step in eliminating roaches. That’s because the food spills and grease inside the oven can offer roaches ample food.

However, cleaning your microwave will force the bugs to leave their hideout searching for food. To avoid this, you can use many roach-repellent cleaning items available at home. These may include lemon-scented cleaners or baking soda.

Once the pests are out in the open, you can kill them with insecticides and chemicals.

Clean the Oven Interiors

You can clean the inside of the microwave with these simple steps:

  1. First, prepare a mixture of white vinegar, lemon slices, and a cup of water.
  2. Then, pour this mixture into a bowl and place it inside your microwave.
  3. Now, turn on the oven and set it on high heat for several minutes.
  4. Next, allow the solution to boil and steam up in the oven.
  5. Let the appliance cool for a few minutes.
  6. Remove the bowl.
  7. Finally, wipe the interior of your oven with a clean cloth.

When using this method, you should place a microwave-safe bowl to keep it from breaking and damaging the oven.

Clean the Glass Tray

Cleaning the microwave glass tray is as important as cleaning the walls of your oven. Follow these steps to do it properly:

  1. First, remove the tray from the microwave.
  2. Then, place it into a bowl containing dish soap and hot water.
  3. Now, allow the tray to soak for around an hour.
  4. Once done, scrub it with the dish cleaning solution and remove dirt, junk, and grease.
  5. Next, spray your oven glass tray with a spray for cutting the grease.
  6. Wipe the tray with a clean cloth and remove all moisture.
  7. Finally, place it in the oven after cleaning the microwave.

Clean the Microwave Door

The oven door can also accumulate grease and oil. So, to clean the door, follow these steps:

  1. First, mix a solution of baking soda and water.
  2. Then, use a cloth to clean the door. Wipe the entire door, including the seals, edges, and sides.
  3. Make an equal ratio mixture of white vinegar and water to clean the glass window. Do this with a clean sponge.
  4. Next, wipe the door with a cloth.
  5. Finally, spray a grease-cutting cleaner on your entire oven door.

Dust Traps

Cockroaches may want to evacuate your microwave after you’ve stripped off all food sources. At this moment, diatomaceous earth traps can be a powerful weapon to kill the migrating roaches. The trap contains active ingredients to poison the pests.

So, spread the dust in the surrounding area of your microwave. When the hungry roaches sneak out of your oven for food, they’ll crawl or walk over the dust. This will allow the compound to stick to roach legs and poison them.

The best part about this method is that the poison works slowly, allowing the cockroach to meet its kins. Once a roach dies, it may poison other cockroaches as they feast on its body.

You can also apply the compound directly to these bugs. However, this technique may not be as fruitful.

Also, don’t use this dust inside your oven as you may have to clean it again before use.

Bait Traps

Bait traps are lures that keep the roaches captured until they die. These traps can be placed near your microwave and other roach hideouts. The bait smells like food which helps to tempt cockroaches.

Once a roach feeds on a lure, it may poison its system. Moreover, the dead cockroach may kill other fellow bugs too.

How Can You Remove Roaches From the Oven Door?

You must detach the door to remove the stuck roaches from the oven. You can do it quickly since most modern design door panels are installed with hooks and clips that are easily detachable.

But, before you head out to do this task yourself, we recommend you read the microwave manual for some guidelines. Or perhaps, you can call customer support for assistance from the professionals.

Once you’ve safely removed the door, clean it and dispose of the stuck roaches. Then, wipe the door with white vinegar and water to cut the oil and grease. This trick may discourage more cockroaches from getting in the door.

How Can You Remove Cockroaches From the Microwave Clock?

You must detach the whole cabinet to remove the roaches from your oven clock. While the sight may be unpleasing to many, you can follow these steps to make it less disgusting:

  1. First, unplug your microwave or turn off the circuit breaker.
  2. Follow the manual instructions, locate the oven screws, and unscrew them.
  3. Slide off your microwave cabinet. Alternatively, you may remove the outer covering to access the screen’s rear side.
  4. Take a small hose or nozzle to vacuum the area.
  5. Remove all roaches and their eggs.
  6. Wipe the area clean and screw your oven clock.

Can You Spray Raid in Your Microwave?

No, you can not use Raid spray inside your microwave. That’s because this thick and waxy insecticide converts into aerosol upon contact with air.

Although the spray is widely used to kill roaches, wasps, flies, and other bugs, you should not use it on electronic appliances. That’s because it may cause:

  • Corrosion: Raid sprays on electric devices can cause deterioration in the long run. So, you might not observe corrosive effects immediately, but they may damage your oven and halt its operations.
  • Short-circuiting: spray your oven with water, or spray it with Raid. Either way, the results will be the same. Raid may be thick, but it contains moisture and can cause short-circuiting.
  • Glass Plate Turning: Raid is a waxy insecticide. So, spraying it may build up wax inside your oven. As a result, the microwave glass plate may stop turning.

Can You Use Bug Bomb in Your Microwave?

You shouldn’t use bug bombs in your microwave as these defoggers are ineffective for removing cockroaches.

The aerosol pesticide is commonly used for killing roaches in larger areas. But, it hardly finds any luck in killing roaches hidden in crevices and other deep hideouts.

Moreover, a study suggests that bug bombs contain a few water droplets. These water traces, when settled on electronics, may cause:

  • Deterioration
  • Corrosion
  • Electronic failure

Moreover, bug bombs may tempt roaches to move deeper in their hiding spots. Thus, removing them completely may become even more challenging.

Can Roaches Explode in the Oven?

No. In most cases, roaches may not explode in your microwave. As you know, they have better resistance against radiation and heat. So, it’s unlikely for your oven to kill them. However, the pests may explode due to baking powder poisoning.

How To Avoid Roaches from Infesting Your Oven Again?

Once you’ve eliminated roaches from your microwave, you must use these tricks to keep them from returning:

  • Clean your oven after each use. Use a damp clean cloth and wipe off grease and food spills.
  • Keep your oven covered at most times.
  • Avoid storing food leftovers inside your oven. Instead, keep the food in your fridge.
  • Clean underneath the oven’s glass tray and remove food crumbs.
  • Use roach repellents, such as peppermint oil, bay leaves, or slices of lemon.


How Do I Get Rid of Cockroaches in My Microwave?

You can get rid of roaches in your microwave by cleaning the oven thoroughly. Ensure you have no food spills, oil, or grease inside. In addition, you can use diatomaceous earth traps and bait lures to kill roaches effectively.

Why Are There Cockroaches in My Microwave?

You may find roaches in your oven since it is an ideal hiding place for pests. Your microwave offers them warmth, food, moisture, and darkness, which are essential for a cockroach’s survival.

Can Bugs Live in Microwaves?

Yes, roaches can live inside your microwaves as they have several spaces for the pests to live in. Also, cockroaches see your microwave as easy access to food in your kitchen. Thus, they’ll hide inside the oven to sneak out at night conveniently.

Final Thoughts

Your microwave can host several roaches hiding in hard-to-reach spaces. So, removing them all in one go is quite a challenge. But if you bag the right tricks under your belt, doing so won’t be difficult.

As soon as you spot one or two roaches in or around your microwave, deep clean your oven and place roach traps at the right spots.

In addition, you must take preventative measures, such as keeping your appliance covered, cleaned, and switched off, to prevent the roaches from returning. After all, you won’t like to repeat the hassle of removing them.